Monday, June 17, 2013


Here is what is needed-- Surveillance of the bureaucratic idiots in Human Resources/NSA that hired the apparently arrested development adolescent to be given the job Snowden was shoehorned into with no visible credentials.

I thought drop-outs couldn't find jobs, let alone ones purportedly paying six figures to start.

My dander is up. Makes me wonder if he has a well placed relative somewhere that slicked the way.

Anybody checking this out? Where are those investigative journalists.


Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Only in government---
now the investigation is being investigated.....this is in reference to the State Department, personally I think 90 per cent of the time all these investigations are just a bunch of tail chasing to avoid doing the work that should be attended to, especially in Congress.


Friday, June 7, 2013


This was a "running off at the mouth" contest and the winner is, drum roll please,  Representative ISSA. Now is anyone surprised.  Keep up the fine work Darrell, you are burying the Exteme Right Wing in a deep grave. But I am not going into mourning over that.
