Sunday, August 28, 2011


Dick Cheney should keep his big fat mouth shut instead of writing and trying to justify and rationalize the decisions he directed while in the GWB administration.

He can hibernate with his Halliburton hoard forever as far as I am concerned.

This nation will be suffering the results from that politicking skimming for decades and yet not a shred of responsibility felt by him.


Chris Hedges

Currently I am reading his latest book, Empire of Illusion and subtitled The End of Literacy and The Triumph of Spectacle.

I have been a fan of Hedges for some time and find this latest book absorbing but I am not sure I agee with him. To me most people are aware of the phoniness of what is presented as reality by the media and the coarsening of our culture is a veneer and not the actual heart of our country.

I had a difficult time dealing with the pornography section --- having little knowledge of how rampant that is and finding it highly shocking.

I am near the end and anxious to see what his final assessment there hope that we will survive the mega influences of all the power grabbers and the corporate oligarchy ---- are we doomed to decline ?


Tuesday, August 9, 2011


The most massive problem is still the housing market distorted by the false carrot offered by Shrub and Greenspan, that every American could afford a home if interest rates were low enough.

It is going to take at least a decade to level off from this disaster. And meanwhile, I sure would appreciate it if A G kept his mouth shut and didn't accept appearance bookings with the media - where he can try to justify this debacle.

The current stock market turmoil goes right back to this program of "giving" (?) loans to those unable to afford them. The social price has been enormous from this major blunder.

The fact is, many citizens will be lucky if they can afford rental housing, and a huge segment is going to need publicly subsidized housing.

All of us are paying the piper courtesy of the administration that cooked up this phony prop to create the illusion that they were offering utopia.

So I hope the media lays off featuring those who want to lay the blame at Obama's feet. It belongs in the hands of Bush and Greenspan.


Saturday, August 6, 2011


Who has any right?

Didn't the rating industry lose considerable credibility with the mortgage derivatives debacle. Hummmm. Now they expect investors to heed the downgrading of US debt? (another Hummmm)--yes, this definitely calls for that old proverb.

Monday, August 1, 2011


Cruel and unusual punishment has just been successfully inflicted by the extremists, but then isn't that their specialty?

Over the week-end one could witness congressional drama that couldn't be nightmared up by the most creative playwright. And this is no fiction. We are talking super reality here.

Can we guess what the consequences might be? Krugman thinks he can:

I am going to take a fence sitting position here--rare for me........I am going to give President Obama the benefit of the doubt. I do not think the political hybrids, aka the Tea Party, will increase their representation in Congress, my hope being that there was so much media coverage that voters who are better informed will follow through on going to the polls in droves when elections for national offices are held.

So cheer up and be positive......maybe there will be a silver lining to the current cloud blackening the beltway ----
