Friday, December 30, 2011

Yes, Michele -------

there is something new under the sun.........a jilted political candidate thirsting for being the nominee of the Tea Party Republican party and in her delusions, the next POTUS.

Sorry, Ms Bachmann, I can't seem to find a single tear to shed.


Saturday, December 24, 2011


The corporations and the one-percenters are destroying this country. If they don't pull their weight on the revenue side, we are doomed to third world status and that won't be long -- look where we rank now for national debt as a % of GDP. Only two other countries worse off, yet few Americans have any awareness of this and continue to believe we are immune economically. The farce cannot continue.

Corporations and one percenters need to realize they are killing the goose.

The phony claim of the TP type republicans and even most of those in the party, continue to believe that these entities create jobs. If that were the case, the the gift of the Bush tax cut would not have the results that we are now struggling with. Yet they are blind. Our economy depends on consuming and high employment with decent incomes is necessary.......When will the dawn come?

Or will it.....


Friday, December 23, 2011


Is this latest episode of idiocy over the payroll tax extension the bullet that the repugs have shot themselves in the foot with?

Seems that could be the case........BOOMerang J.B. !! and Mitch.

Happy Holiday in Hawaii, Mr President and family.......must feel good to no longer be a hostage of the freaks in the House of Representatives.


Monday, December 19, 2011


This is a no-brainer, of course it is Mitch McConnell, and his assistant is Boehner. This is what they have done for all the days of President Obama's first term.

Is this going to backfire on them in the 2012 elections? I sure hope so.

It is so blatant-- how can anyone miss the deleterious effect that obstructionism to this degree is anti-American and to me, a violation of their oath .......they are to be serving the general welfare of the country and not just their constituents........they are definitely not doing this - they deserve to be tarred and feathered.


Friday, December 16, 2011



I watched the whole enchilada........not exactly easy since I don't have a positive position about any of them except Jon Huntsman......and I am particularly concerned for this country if Gingrich ever gets his hands on the Presidency.

Voters need to learn the truth about this man and here again is a link to the 1996 Frontline special that will enlighten you:

(Note : this is a 'cold' link, meaning you will need to copy/paste to your address bar.)

Talk to any republicans you know and get them to watch this, especially if they happen to be arrested enough in their political views to favor this dangerous candidate.


Thursday, December 15, 2011


This seems to be a common affliction in the Republican party. The recent criticism by Dick Cheney, you know the Halliburton guy, about President Obama and the troop withdrawals from Iraq.

You can check it out, the SOFA was created during the Bush/Cheney rule........and it had the stipulation on withdrawal in it.

SOFA is the acronym for Statement of Forces Agreement pertaining to the Iraq mess.


Wednesday, December 14, 2011


If you think this man is qualified to be president then you need to learn more about him and here is where:

In my layman's view he is delusional, grandiose, hypersexual, and very possibly suffers from the same brain disorder his mother had. Bi-polar disorders have many manifestations. Other indicators are his narcissism, obsessiveness and money judgment, these are commonly shared behavioral problems among bi-polars.

Interesting that he has recently commented that he wants to teach a course on the brain. I wonder if he has ever had a professional psychiatric evaluation or for that matter any psychological counseling.

We do not need someone this unstable and mercurial in the highest office of the land and with fragile global considerations that are much more a component of the presidency now than in the past.

Let's hope voters are not bamboozled by this type of personality as sometimes happens.

Do you want to bet $10,000 that no journalist is going to touch this?

How about you Mr. Romney-- are you brave enough?



Here's my crystal ball view. Why not have the 2016 presidential race have Hillary and Chelsea as the candidates for president and vice president. We could accomplish so many "firsts" with that and it might just be a winning ticket.

Banish forever the patriarchal hold on the top political power positions.

The country is going to need to be kept out of the hands of the Repugs and this just might do it.

I hope I am around for this........



Courtesy of Senator Mitch McConnell, Congress is no longer the representational arm of government - he defies his oath of office blatantly declaring his only goal is not representing the people of Kentucky but to prevent President Obama from a second term of office. Seems we need a recall mechanism that would eliminate a senator that so vociferously handcuffs representational bills from getting proper hearings and possible passage.

Here we are, coming to the end of a calendar year and in the midst of political warfare. The current effort is to deny extension of unemployment benefits -- the house side is carrying the water here too by sending up to the senate a version that is certain to fail. their tactics are repetitive, load it with contingencies they know the other party won't accept, this time it's the Keystone Pipeline.

This puts majority leader Senator Harry Reid in a box, facing handling another filibuster by the Republican members. And again we hear the threat of closing down the government. Empty words we know and why continue the charades? Sounds like another continuing resolution bandaid is on the table.

It is time to clean house, er, I mean Congress.


Monday, December 12, 2011

Callista Gingrich as First LADY?

That would be hard to swallow given her six year stint as Newt's mistress and that was during the time when Newt was castigating and trying to impeach Clinton for his sexual peccadilloes which stretches the fabric of hypocrisy totally out of shape.

There are other titles she has earned. Not to be enumerated here, just use your imagination.

She worked on the hill as a clerk in Congress when they were sharing the sheets. Now she is wedded to the corpulent man that is twenty-eight years her senior.

Doesn't the term " trophy wife" sort of surface here--up from the sewer?

And the couple are supposed to be thought of as "good" Catholics......well one must ask then what makes a "bad" one-- or maybe we already have clues to that given the peccadilloes of various members of the church accused and indicted for pedophilia actions. While the hierarchy just looked the other way, still does in many ways.

Where oh where is that value we used to see, INTEGRITY???


Sunday, December 4, 2011


And one suspender! No jokes yet about more raising cane by Cain? :)

I have decided Gingrich is a balanced candidate. His personal garbage and his public garbage are is in the realm of unbelievable that even the far right can stomach this caricature of a politician, cum lobbyist mercenary.

Why oh why is the moderate and tolerable Mr. Huntsman so ignored by the media? And the party --- Oh I know the party is now a TEA Party controlled apparatus.........seems to me that they are in need of a new package......of tea bags, but Huntsman must fall in the category of loose leaf.

Then there is the stupefying news that Donald Trump will moderate, in Iowa, what passes for political debate that is one for the Ripley record.

Are we doomed?
