Thursday, February 23, 2012


One can hope. It was a bore, more of the same old leftovers of previous rhetoric. They weren't quite as vicious towards President Obama last evening -- IMO. But they do cause concern in their incendiary, flaming attacks. I feel this way because there are many people living such stressful lives now - given the unemployment - the housing situation with evictions and foreclosures, homelessness ......that it seems to me that they might incite some poor unstable soul to take some regrettable action. These candidates are adults, they are responsible for results of their words and actions -- can we hope that they will start engaging the mind before further flapping of the lips?

Unlikely-------so that is why I hope there are no more debates. Now if there could just be a way to stop the negative ads. But that is going to take action in the future with a different composition of the Supreme Court, which is another reason this campaign time is so critical.


Wednesday, February 22, 2012


There is a new member and he is a fast shoveler, his name: Franklin Graham. He made the hole that is going to bury the Repunks, much deeper yesterday and it is very very deep as is, since McConnell, Boehner, and Santorum plus Gingrich have been digging away, taking turns with the spade. They get assists too, Palin and the folks at Faux channel.

It will be fun to see who falls in first.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


The two sides of Rick Santorum's mouth got a bit of practice today in his appearance on Face the Nation.

There was Radical Rick, and Slick Rick.......slithering and weaseling out of his rhetoric when Bob Schieffer directly asked him just what he meant. Quite a translation -- or a double speak demo.

The incendiary choices Slick Rick uses to demonize and deride the good man now holding the office of President, are extreme, that's radical Rick's ideology showing.

Slick Rick can try to slide out of what was said but those video recordings depict just what was put out there on the airways to hopefully increase the chance for him to become the nominee of the groups that now hold the republican party hostage.

When oh when are those moderate republicans going to wake up from their Rip Van Winkle rest and put in a belated appearance in this campaign .......or is going down to the wire with the crazies?


Saturday, February 18, 2012


Are you sure you want someone as radical as Rick and Karen Santorum in the WH? I am certain that I don't.

Here's one reason that hasn't yet been explored much publicly.

They are irresponsible regarding realities of procreation. If my limited information is applied, then Mrs. Santorum had baby Gabriel when she was apparently in her mid forties. It is well known that the older the birth mother the more likelihood of birth defects in the offspring. They learned nothing it seems for then in her late forties, with increased possibility of birthing another baby severely defective, they had baby Bella.

Are they planning to write a book about Bella too......????

I find this abhorrent. It isn't as though they don't have children, they have a passle of them.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


The best interviewer in my opinion is Charlie Rose and I am a slave to his program, and what is more if he has something/someone really interesting - I watch it twice, once on Public Broadcasting and once on Bloomberg.

Yesterday the tape of his Tuesday interview with Jon Huntsman was part of the broadcast - and it wasn't in connection with Huntsman's previous campaign, he was a guest because of his position as our ambassador to China and it was to discuss the future president of China who is now visiting here, Vice President Xi Jinping I think is the gentleman's name. The information and delivery of knowledge by Huntsman was impressive. It carried the impact of inside knowledge, covered also how many times he had met with the China vice-president, under what circumstances he knew him and overall, insights that I don't believe anyone else could have offered.

It is just so puzzling when the Republicans have an ex-candidate of this caliber, why he was not supported, why weren't there millionaires besides his father, willing to bankroll his campaign?

The only answer is that he is not extreme enough to satisfy the appetites of the power groups that are currently steering the R party into oblivion and a well deserved defeat.


Saturday, February 11, 2012


I feel a bit dizzy from all the spin this has received recently.
The attempt by the Catholic Church to maintain its myths is simply stunning. It is so ludicrous.

Actually though, this public brawl should move them a few years or even maybe just steps - toward the twenty-first century. They are getting desperate about losing their POWER.

Not about contraception availability or even the appearance of approval by having insurers provide choice.



Let's create an award for the most awkward political phrase in the 2012 presidential election I nominate Mr. Romney's "severely conservative" description of his right wing position. Frank Luntz must be feeling sick to his stomach.......and Newt must be busy digging up his list of one hundred words to memorize and use in political rhetoric. I saw that somewhere recently - apparently Mr Romney must not have been on the mailing list way back when that was circulated.

This is only going to increase the public's view that Mr. Romney is irretrievably disconnected from ordinary life.

Let's all send him a Valentine Card. It could read, Mitt we love you severely.


Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Ever wonder why the Supreme Court took the Citizens United case? Ever do some digging on the internet about how that group managed to hook the court into hearing this?

Here is what I understand. There is this attorney who has polished up a scheme to tailor cases to get selected for top court decisions.

It amounts to filing minor similar cases in as many lower courts as possible - thereby assuring that there will be conflicting decisions, and this latter is one of the conditions by which cases are selected for the Supreme Court. That's it. Of course there are some curious case connections among those on this subject of money equating speech and political figures. But I am not going to hand all this to you, go dig.

You have been emasculated, courtesy of Atty Jim Bopp!



The top contortionist featured in the circus now appearing in the House of Reprehensives is no less than Mr Boehner. His multiple spins have really screwed things up, most of all, him. Just try to apply reason or logic to any of the changing positions regarding the payroll tax extension and the traditional Republican eagerness for any tax reduction, but they are really into pretzel politics in a big way because of this being presidential election season.

Now Mr. B has to twist the insurance coverage regarding equality for women wishing to have a choice about choosing contraceptives into a war on religion, even digging up that old claim, when all else fail, say it is unconstitutional.

Yeah.......expecting everyone to respect individual rights to insurance coverage that does not exclude such is quite a trick.......I think Mr. B needs to go back to Florida, skip the golf at Naples swank hotel he favors and instead enroll in a class at Barnum & Bailey to learn more about juggling and plate spinning and acrobat skills.


Monday, February 6, 2012


Watch out for the spin on this one.........and the proclaimed opposition to the health care ruling isn't going to subside is going to be a tsunami goaded along by the election year.

Churches already benefit from many exemptions not available to individuals. The property tax is one that is at the top of the heap.

If a religion wants to run a corporation then they must be treated the same as other corporations. I think the HHS ruling regarding conception is must be applied equally across the board, it is not a war against the Catholic Church as Newt proclaims. If members weren't already practicing some form of contraception, there would be many more Catholics, and families with passels of children, this is only true where there reproduction information is suppressed. And is what keeps so many in those areas in state of extreme poverty. The Vatican wealth is obscene under these facts.......they hide behind the charitable operations and keep accumulating more wealth in many tax privileged ways.

It is time for them to pony up and not use emotional religious rhetoric to inflame the ignorant.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Ah, another hurdle jumped in Nevada......and the inevitable happened, money does it again. Is Romney sending thank you notes to Judge Alito and pals on the court for enabling all those negative ads financed with the dollars permitted by the Citizens United decision? If rightsies ever had an inclination to re-think a subject - this should qualify.

and it is one of the HUGE reasons to keep them out of the WH and from naming any more leaners to the Supreme Court, it is tippled badly as is.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Almost daily there is prove that Romney is not a "people" person. And why are we not surprised?

He is a dollar person, that is his true focus and has been for so many years, he will never be able to relate to the ninety-niners, maybe if we all were green and made of paper and had numbers on like, big, big numbers, he would sense our life situations.

Alas, that doesn't happen to be the case. In some ways I feel sorry for him. He probably has few true friends. Just acquaintances among the one percenters.