Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Comments by Romney regarding Syria, are a perfect example of this candidates poor judgement. He doesn't have access to intelligence on the subject and needs to acknowledge that the best position for him to take is one of sensible discreetness.

It seems he has little regard for the possibility of his irresponsible hawkish commentary, causing negative situation to worsen. Politicizing this is tabu.......he can generalize about foreign policies but leave the particulars out of the picture........efforts by the State Department and United Nations don't need this input, so he is putting his pleasing a base element above common sense.

Zip your lips, MITT.


Tuesday, May 22, 2012


When the Fakebook bubble bursts  will anything be learned? Where did the idea come from that there is a monetary value to abbreviated commentary on a public social network site? It seems the gamble is that advertisers will buy the "eyes" that Fakebook claims it delivers.  Already though, GM has yanked its account saying it wasn't productive, Imagine that!

The concept that value can be created without tangible products is on shaky ground.  For instance the derivatives mess. Issuing shares that aren't backed up with tangibles is not something I see as durable.

So stand clear  for fallout when this gigantic bubble expands into nothingness.


Monday, May 21, 2012


Capitalism can be and is corrupted, like so many other things, when greed and excessive profits enter the picture. So here we are having this exposure of activities by a particular venture capital corporation because of Romney and the scrutiny reveals to me that this firm falls into the category of those that abuse capitalism. This is supported by their not having adequate consideration for employees and exaggerated aspirations to maximize all for the shareholders.

This same distorted focus applies also to trade. Free trade is not necessarily evil but it is not necessarily FAIR trade either, depends on the practitioners.

So watch Romney squirm while his past gets the klieg lights. Which today is distorted by so much media massaging of the Cory Booker comments on MTP ------


Monday, May 14, 2012


What is duller than these drawn out political campaigns, I can think of nothing. It requires banning television for the duration, or just watching no cable or network newscasts or power hosted programs, i.e. Hardball etc.

It is still a long, long time until November.......
