Saturday, November 17, 2012


Gifts??? Let me count the ways that you are getting a hog's share of government gifts, first, that capital gains tax,,,, poor working class peon has his earnings taxed higher than you do - then there are the tax loopholes that undoubtedly you have the tax lawyers and accountants to maximize benefiting from those, i.e. Cayman accounts to park some of your millions and avoid supporting this wonderful country ...... then there is the matter of the one percenters not required to pay into Social Security after a cap which at present is somewhere around 110,000 but what is equal about the poor wage earner again below that paying on his every dollar.........then itemizing on the tax return is often not something the middle class can do, but you can work that to your advantage and I suspect those tax guys of yours have massaged that plenty.

You should  be ashamed but you do not seem to have an inventory of usual human emotions, that is why you lost the election. Quit manufacturing excuses for yourself.


Wednesday, November 14, 2012


How would you view deception in the Betraeus soap opera? In my book, it is a character flaw and that surprises me - the extent to which the general must have gone in order to keep his wife from knowing about his extra-marital affair. I would strip him of those stars if I had my way since this was happening on our payment of his livelihood -- just how much are four star generals paid anyway?

So he happens now to be the highest ranking male in the Loose Zipper Society. John Edwards eat your heart out, Oh maybe that isn't possible - you lost that figuratively, long ago.

But there is competition out there it seems for the top LZS position, we will just have to wait and see what all was in those thousands (!!!!) of email pages between General Allen and Kelley, maybe he will replace you quickly.

It is interesting that both women involved seem to be brainy brunettes, but with  numb and dumb streaks blended into their brilliance.

I am waiting for someone with enough nerve to suggest espionage by one or both females. Was Kelley born in the U.S. or Lebanon--- can't quite figure out from the information on websites that her parents emigrated here from there in mid seventies and she is thirty-seven.

And would you welcome someone who had never written a book ever to do your biography, such a smell. I wonder what hindsight Mrs. Petraeus has about that now, I hope she has the guts to dump her philandering spouse.

Another huge question --- are these men really keeping their eye on the ball regarding their military and government assignments? Afghanistan? CIA?  How can we hide doubts about that aspect of all this?


Tuesday, November 6, 2012


to Elizabeth Warren on winning her senate seat. She is going to be a powerful addition to that body and we need many more women like until we have representation equivalent to our population figures.


OH, MITCH........

What is going to be your goal now?



Ah, today is election day, and we shall be free, free from Romney's lies and hopefully he will get soundly buried by smart voters that weren't fooled by his distortions. He can go back t his elevator garage and play with his multi-millionaire toys.

American needs to be freed from politics that have a price in dollars as well as truth. I may not live to see it, but if President Obama gets re-elected, it is likely that the conservative leanings of the Supreme Court will shift to moderate and there will be no more decisions like Citizens United.

Dare I venture that there is strength in honesty and that voters will turn out in a much higher percentage than previously and we will retain the first African/American president for a historic second term.

graysmoke (Caucasian)