Now for the week-end we move from Boehner the beast to McConnell the monster. Isn't he a doll? Doesn't want to play. So why not just send him home with his toys, you know the one named PHIL A. BUSTER...........he's so fond of it ....... has an obsession with it in fact.
So at a critical crisis time he wants to cuddle and coddle PHIL.
Is this rational adult behavior or should we call for a strait jacket crew to remove him from the action? Or should we say, inaction.
Meanwhile it is nail biting time for all the senior citizens dependent on having those Social Security payments deposited into their bank accounts so they can replenish their cupboards and medicine cabinets.
Just an inkling of why I think he deserves the "monster" designation -- many other reasons but for now lets just concentrate on what a calamity will result if he plays too close to the chest and the markets go haywire on August 3rd.
Aren't these hold outs guilty of aiding the terrorists? Seems to me I heard somewhere that Al Queda had a goal of destroying the USA's financial structure. Yet the conservative extremists insist they are the patriots.......?propaganda again?----one wonders, and wonders and wonders........well for at least three days, July 31, August 1, and August 2 -----has Congress just become another unreality show.........With corporate sponsorship no doubt?
Someone please stop the music and let us off this merry-go-round.
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