Friday, September 30, 2011


Imagine!! the first feature on Friday Sept 30 The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell had as its topic Christie and obesity........

Well is there something to that old adage ..."Shoot an arrow in the air -- it will land ......


Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Just elected ----

Governor Chris Christie -- Poster Boy for Obesity


Sunday, September 25, 2011



definition please.
Corporate theft.





Sunday, September 18, 2011


Mr. Boehner, meet Mr. Buffet..........



Monday, September 12, 2011


After watching as little as possible of the memorial broadcasts yesterday re 9/11's tenth anniversary -- it still strikes me as to how little time and investigation is spent on prevention of such events. And if we don't master prevention.......well, I'll let you finish that sentence.
We are still wrapped in the bureaucratic equivalent of duct tape.......the multiple intelligence agencies still play the territorial games instead of setting the goals of prevention and the musical chairs of changing leadership lends little hope that the various entities will evolve a superior way of functioning.
Let's hope the lesson doesn't come the hard way......again. I find that the most haunting aspect of the memorial rites.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

A decade to ponder.....

My reminiscences of 9/11 result in quite a different scenario than what seems common according to the storm of media coverage we are currently having.
To me 9/11 was an intelligence failure --- not a security failure - and not the outcome of a superior plan by brilliant terrorists executed under highly flawed intelligence functioning within the bureaucracies meant to know about and abort such threats.
Our best security is to learn how to better operate bureaucracies -- much has been attempted to improve the fifteen or more government agencies involved in analysis and gathering of intelligence. Whether we have another attack will depend more or what success we have had doing so, than on some cockamanie intent of sick terrorists' minds to destroy imagined enemies.
However,it is scary to realize that the mother of all bureucracies, Homeland Security, has emerged and is soaking up dollars that could be better spent putting more shoes on the ground in intelligence and upgrading the connecting communications among the responsible agencies.
Therein lies an increased danger.

Friday, September 9, 2011


Uh UH ----no AJA is going to change the Republican agenda of destroying Obama. And their constitutional imperative -of- for - and by - the corporations. They bought the country with the way elections are structured and until that is remedied we are never going to have a Congress that will work with a President that sees the Constitution as being the supreme order of our political powers.
McConnell and Boehner may talk out of one side of their mouths occasionally, but it is only window dressing.........the sole target for action is denying a second term to President Obama and for that reason alone, I hope he is re-elected.
The alternative is too horrible to consider.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


I am dedicated to furthering distribution of facts so here is another important link to statements during last night's Republican candidates debate that bears importance on knowing what is what:

I happen to have relatives that swallow everything they hear and never question it, when I asked why -- the response was "oh I just don't have time to look all that stuff up" -- still they consider themselves informed voters (and I might say they also are dedicated Fox channel viewers) -- so you can see why we get some lulus in offices where they shouldn't be.

If I can interest one voter in being less gullible, then it is worth doing these posts.


Let's Get IT Straight

In the interest of fact and that most disregarded value "truth" -- be sure to read the column at this link:
