My reminiscences of 9/11 result in quite a different scenario than what seems common according to the storm of media coverage we are currently having.
To me 9/11 was an intelligence failure --- not a security failure - and not the outcome of a superior plan by brilliant terrorists executed under highly flawed intelligence functioning within the bureaucracies meant to know about and abort such threats.
Our best security is to learn how to better operate bureaucracies -- much has been attempted to improve the fifteen or more government agencies involved in analysis and gathering of intelligence. Whether we have another attack will depend more or what success we have had doing so, than on some cockamanie intent of sick terrorists' minds to destroy imagined enemies.
However,it is scary to realize that the mother of all bureucracies, Homeland Security, has emerged and is soaking up dollars that could be better spent putting more shoes on the ground in intelligence and upgrading the connecting communications among the responsible agencies.
Therein lies an increased danger.
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