Sunday, November 20, 2011


Pledge of Allegiance

A large number of congressional members are obligated to uphold - not the pledge of allegiance to the flag - but a pledge of allegiance to Grover Norquist. They should be declared unfit for office. And apply an appropriate penalty, like flushing them down the sewer where they dabble.


Featured today on Bob Schieffer's Face the Nation was Mr. Ron Paul. He is a full blown Libertarian and the more I hear from his mouth the more certain I am that his views are severely screwed. He is reputed to be leading the Iowa polls.


Deadline is near and still the members of this committee are deadlocked. I will really be surprised if a compromise gets worked out-- so here come the automatic cuts in 2014- and plenty of time to use the lack of agreement in the political race in 2012.


The people in Congress that were sent there by the Tea Party and others that are aligned with their ideology, have an obsession with power and they should never be in politics. How can they be exiled? I wish I knew. I feel the country is at greater risk from these ideologues than from the economic crisis.


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