Sunday, July 14, 2013

No cop job..

That's about the only positive thing about the Zimmerman fiasco.

I watched as much of the televised coverage as I could for a reason far different than most other viewers I imagine. I watched to try to educate myself about what it is like to be a judge in such a case. The reason being, that I have a niece that is a judge and sometimes also must sit on one that is sensationalized.  I learned a lot about that, in fact more than I did about the case.

Some things I would like to know and may have missed:  who finally foots the defense bill, I recall before trial there was a kerfuffle about the ability of the Zimmerman's to afford their own attorney, and his wife was charged with falsely representing their state of finances and I don't know how that resolved. I expect the state is stuck with the expense.

The only positive outcome of this will be that he will never become a cop, I am sure his paranoid personality streak is very evident to those where he was applying, human resource personnel for those  types of positions, spot such negatives easily.

As to the verdict, not what I would have voted there is a killer at among many in our gun happy America. And an NRA distorted interpretation of the second amendment. 

Mr. Zimmerman had a trigger happy problem of long standing, and is the community board going to allow him to continue as self-appointed watch commando? I wonder about their liability. I live in an adult community, the second I have resided in for twenty-five years ......didn't hear anything about that either.


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