Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Just when will the Supreme Court drop the health care bomb? Time is running out and the public is weary of the wait. I am guessing it might be released this Friday. No particular reason, but it will give the media time to digest over the week-end or time for segments to be on the Sunday talking head shows.

I am hoping they keep as much of the program as possible, it will be years, if ever, that Congress will tackle legislation this difficult again.


Wednesday, June 13, 2012


The Senate Judiciary hearing with AG Holder surpassed even House thug Issa's performance for thug politics.

What a disgrace, especially the insulting allegations by Sen. Cornyn practically equaled by Hawk Lindsay Graham. For Shame senators.

And these monsters are talking contempt procedure AGAINST Holder. What about just plain vanilla contempt exhibited by their exhibition.

Again, for shame.
