Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Courtesy of Senator Mitch McConnell, Congress is no longer the representational arm of government - he defies his oath of office blatantly declaring his only goal is not representing the people of Kentucky but to prevent President Obama from a second term of office. Seems we need a recall mechanism that would eliminate a senator that so vociferously handcuffs representational bills from getting proper hearings and possible passage.

Here we are, coming to the end of a calendar year and in the midst of political warfare. The current effort is to deny extension of unemployment benefits -- the house side is carrying the water here too by sending up to the senate a version that is certain to fail. their tactics are repetitive, load it with contingencies they know the other party won't accept, this time it's the Keystone Pipeline.

This puts majority leader Senator Harry Reid in a box, facing handling another filibuster by the Republican members. And again we hear the threat of closing down the government. Empty words we know and why continue the charades? Sounds like another continuing resolution bandaid is on the table.

It is time to clean house, er, I mean Congress.


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