Thursday, February 14, 2013


At one point in the SOTU the cameras focused on Justice Ginsburg.......she is so frail and I think the focus maybe was to highlight the possibility that President Obama will be receiving her resignation before the second term ends, because of her being physically unable to continue. This possibility was one of the reasons his re-elections was so important and significant to the future of decisions by the Supreme Court. We definitely do not need more Scalia/Alito...... types, the court can be a hindrance to common sense, just see how the corporation decision allowing them to be treated as people is such a negative idea and then in this session the Citizens United ----more of that we definitely do not need.

Who do you think might be on the short list for appointment? Senator Lugar? Hillary Clinton?  or  someone outside the political realm with a history of serving in the justice system as the catapult to consideration?

When did we last have a justice with enough knowledge of how decisions affect the political climate? I thought perhaps the Chief's siding favorably on the ACA decision reflects a gain in that arena of thought at last.


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