Saturday, January 21, 2012


The ways that voters can make crazy decisions. Or do we owe the Gingrich outcome in South Carolina to the Hail Mary pass tossed to him by CNN's John King at the debate --- okay the media did it, surely the voters are not using their brains but their guts. And Newty knows all about how to bamboozle......let's see he doesn't lobby, just consults and contracts......and not a bad profiteer either - I don't think he has paid back in taxes the amount he has sloughed off that Freddie Mac/Freddie Mae deal. He kept two thirds ---- what a slick character but oh, pardon - character doesn't matter. Not sure just what does with a SC voter. What level of higher education do the adults there have anyhow? I didn't catch that in all the demographic depictions on the magic walls --seems there might be a competition there too between CNN and MSNBC to see who can be the most techie.

Or could it be that the republicans know down deep they are going to lose to Obama Newt may as well be the sacrificial lamb. Is that why they really haven't been offering any electable candidates?


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