Friday, January 6, 2012


We are seeing the underbelly of what was once a political party. I think it needs to be renamed, let's see ---- maybe anagram it to the PCC or phony conservative Christians party.......or the SMP, for selfish, mercenary party.......but this is so far to the right that it is off that scale.

Claws are exhibited by the PAC's---and they are snarling vociferously.......these entities are supposed to be separate from the candidate. That is a farce. Their relatives can establish them and do. Where is all this going to end.......will there be a third party, maybe the P.O.R.S.P.F. - Party of Reason and Sanity. Publicly Funded .

Well I can dream, can't I? That is what America is for, problem is I have trouble believing that this dream can be achieved - human nature being what it has become or maybe always was, which I doubt-- or we could never have had our brilliant moments in the history of our past.

The baby got thrown out with the bath when we weren't looking. Let's go find that baby.


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