Wednesday, January 4, 2012


a day makes, or make that a couple of hours. When I went to bed it seemed Santorum had won the Iowa caucases and when I got up a couple of hours later, courtesy of my RLS, I find out Romney pushed him back to second by eight (8) votes.

Yes, that Romney, the nominee nobody wants, or at least his party doesn't want to own him ---- now why should this surprise anybody.

So on with the election circus. How many bucks did the cable media spend covering just this night of activity ----- no one is telling as far as I know but I bet it is a heck of a lot more than what all the superPAC's added together, spent.

Really hard to tell just how many of the anchor type heads were in Iowa or otherwise, the ability to seam all regardless of geography is sometimes masked cleverly.

Poor Michele, she insists she will persist. And Gingrich is now out for revenge on all the attack ads that he is thinking caused his loss. My thinking is that even if there had been no PAC attack ads centered on him, he would have lost either way -- it will be interesting to see when he chickens.

But it is going to be a long long long time until November.

I would like to see report on President O'bama's webcast with his caucus - wonder if C-Span picked it up.


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